You want to go to college but you have no idea how to complete your application? In this article I’ll try to explain how to prepare college applications in the most efficient and easiest way, with self-confidence and without fears.

Nowadays, all colleges require students to realize an application. It is a formal process where students submit required documents and information to a college or university to be admitted. It is your way of showing your academic achievements, skills, experiences, and interests to convince the college that you’re a good fit for their program. It includes many passages: personal information, academic marks, essay or personal statement, letters of recommendation, resume list, application fee. 

On their online sites, several colleges show instructions to prepare the applications, but it can still be difficult, long, time-consuming and dispersive. Students may also feel under huge pressure, caused by the mix of excitement and uncertainty emotions. Therefore, managing expectations and keeping self confidence might feel hard, but it is fundamental for academic success.

Personally, I don’t have much experience about it, but I’ve met students who had to apply for a college. For instance my brother: he attends a university and two years ago he completed his college application. Another example may be a girl called Tamara, whom I met this summer, who studies in Oxford university. We asked her about the application process and she told us all the steps she had to overcome in order to seek admission. I remember that she was telling us about her personal statement. She informed us about its difficulty, but she also encouraged and reminded us that with the right support is not impossible.

Here I’ll give you some tips to maintain control over anxiety and prepare applications in a non-stressful way 

  • Start Early! Give yourself plenty of time to research and prepare.
  • Customize Your Application! Show genuine interest in each college by tailoring essays and mentioning specific programs or opportunities.
  • Proofread! Review all materials carefully for errors.
  • Be calm! Understand that the college application process does not determine your worth or future. Colleges evaluate students using different factors: grades, test scores, essays, extracurriculars, and more. It happens that  admissions decisions often depend on factors beyond your control, such as institutional priorities or the size of the applicant pool. Accepting this reality helps reduce self pressure.
  • Have options! Having options in each category ensures you’re not placing all your hopes on a single place. This increases confidence.
  • Focus on Growth! Focus on the effort and growth involved in the application process. Writing essays, reflecting on your achievements, and identifying your goals are life and work exercises. These activities help you learn more about yourself, too.
  • Don’t compare! It’s easy to fall into comparing yourself to others. Social media often amplifies this phenomenon. Remember, everyone has their unique and individual journey.
  • Change your perspective! It’s essential to remember that rejection is not failure. It will make you stronger and make you strengthen your weaknesses.
  • Have support! Lean on friends, family, teachers, or counselors during the application process . Surround yourself with people who believe in you and can help you to appease fears.
  • Self-Care! Prioritize self-care by keeping a healthy routine.

In conclusion, redefine what success really means.  Success’ real meaning is about finding a school where you’ll develop academically, socially, and personally. College is just one chapter and a period of time, and many paths and journeys will lead to final achievement.

Finally, managing expectations is about a balance between e mixed feelings and emotions. Of course, it is not easy because this application will decide which path you will undertake, but if you are conscious of the things said above and you maintain control and calm, you’ll succeed