When applying to a college or university, several steps are usually involved, including various application processes and English tests.
Our admission experts are here to help you every step of the way, ensuring your success.

English tests prep IELTS, SAT, GMAT, etc…

Personalized guidance through university application processes
Personalized guidance through scholarship application processes

Global vision, Local Insight

A comprehensive understanding of the global and local academic landscape while taking into account all of the challenges and necessities that you need to be ready for.


Personalized guidance to help you identify and apply for scholarship opportunities that align with your academic interests and personal circumstances.

An Insider's

Exclusive access to a vast network of students who are currently enrolled in the university of your dreams. Receive invaluable insights and insider tips.

Mentors & Tutors
to the rescue


Get the highest score on your SAT’S and IELTS


Become a pro at application processes


Write outstanding personal statements

Get into the
of your dreams

Academic Orientation

Get Guidance through the whole journey of choosing your academic path

Oxford Bootcamp

Experience a one or two-week immersion in one of the most prestigious universities in the world

Their success is

They dreamed and, together, we did it!

Dreamando is a multicultural community made up of coaches, mentors, guidance experts and, above all young people and parents with a common goal: preparing new generations for their future and its challenges.

Contact us

+33 6 10 97 67 79